Sunday, 30 April 2017

Oor Wullie Empire Biscuit

Happy Easter everyone! (A bit late I know but..) This biscuit combines two of my favourite things, comics and empire biscuits. This one was bought for me by my Granny and it certainly is novel and unique. I love it! I don't know the price so it is the jams turn instead. So what does it score? Is it more novel than the mini egg from last year?


Slidiness - 10/10 - Didn't budge an inch. 

Topping - 10/10  - Very original and didn't taste bad either. 

Taste - 8/10 - Delicious but a bit sweet.

Icing - 8/10 - Slightly crispy and thin so more please!

Jam - 7/10 - A bit bland and not very much of it.

Total - 43
Very good!