Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Finn Thompson's Empire Biscuits
(by guest blogger, Phil Thompson)

So, after many years of dedicating his time and parent's money to finding the perfect Empire Biscuit, Finn Thompson has stepped up to the worktop, and made his own from scratch.

Given the momentous event this represents, Finn has nobly stepped aside, and invited me to be his guest reviewer and blogger. So without further ado...

An Empire Biscuit, plus its creator

No bias was allowed in this review, as the following picture shows

Checking for diameter and consistency
Scores (using an established formula) are as follows.....

Scores are

Slidiness - 7   (we liked the jam, but it was quite slidy)

Taste - 9     (nice and buttery, icing was scrummy)

Price - 9     (even if the butter was 90p from the Co op !)

Icing -  8   (plenty of it, and nicely mixed)

Topping - Jelly tot - 6.  (this hard nose reviewer would have preferred a cherry)

TOTAL  - 39 !

The finished product

Well done Finn!

Sunday, 1 May 2016

My Granny Bought Me This One....

Wow how long has it been since I last posted? I've just started High School so I have been very busy but there's nothing like a nice empire biscuit to keep you going.

So here it is my first post in two years....

This biscuit was bought for me by my Granny from Stephens bakery who operate out of the Scotmid in South Queensferry. They are very nice and definitely are one of my favourites.

Slidiness - 10/10- Didn't move an inch...

Taste - 8/10 lovely but the biscuit was a bit coarse

Icing - 9/10  very nice but a bit too crunchy

Price - 10/10 just 0.76p for one!

Topping -  8/10 the classic jelly tot...


A near perfect Empire Biscuit.